#include "ballistics.h"
float srayclip(const vec &o, const vec &ray, vec *surface = NULL)
float dist = sraycube(o, ray, surface);
vec to = ray;
bool collided = false;
vec end;
if (sents[i].type != CLIP /*&& sents[i] != MAPMODEL*/) continue;
entity &e = sents[i];
// attr1, attr2, attr3, attr4
// elevation, xrad, yrad, height
if (intersectbox(vec(e.x, e.y, getblockfloor(getmaplayoutid(e.x, e.y)) + e.attr1 + e.attr4 / 2), vec(max(0.1f, (float)e.attr2), max(0.1f, (float)e.attr3), max(0.1f, e.attr4 / 2.f)), o, to, &end))
to = end;
collided = true;
if (surface)
*surface = vec(0, 0, 0);
// which surface did it hit?
return collided ? to.dist(o) : dist;
// trace a shot
void straceShot(const vec &from, vec &to, vec *surface = NULL)
vec tracer(to);
const float dist = srayclip(from, tracer, surface);
to = tracer.mul(dist - .1f).add(from);
// normal shots (ray through sphere and cylinder check)
static inline int hitplayer(const vec &from, float yaw, float pitch, const vec &to, const vec &target, const vec &head, vec *end = NULL)
float dist;
// intersect head
if (!head.iszero() && intersectsphere(from, to, head, HEADSIZE, dist))
if (end) (*end = to).sub(from).mul(dist).add(from);
return HIT_HEAD;
float y = yaw*RAD, p = (pitch / 4 + 90)*RAD, c = cosf(p);
vec bottom(target), top(sinf(y)*c, -cosf(y)*c, sinf(p));
bottom.z -= PLAYERHEIGHT;
top.mul(PLAYERHEIGHT/* + d->aboveeye*/).add(bottom); // space above shoulders removed
// torso
if (intersectcylinder(from, to, bottom, top, PLAYERRADIUS, dist))
if (end) (*end = to).sub(from).mul(dist).add(from);
return HIT_TORSO;
// restore to body
// legs
if (intersectcylinder(from, to, bottom, top, PLAYERRADIUS, dist)){
if (end) (*end = to).sub(from).mul(dist).add(from);
return HIT_LEG;
return HIT_NONE;
// apply spread
void applyspread(const vec &from, vec &to, int spread, float factor){
if (spread <= 1) return;
#define RNDD (rnd(spread)-spread/2.f)*factor
vec r(RNDD, RNDD, RNDD);
#undef RNDD
// check for critical
bool checkcrit(float dist, float m, int base = 0, int low = 4, int high = 100)
return !m_real(gamemode, mutators) && !rnd((base + clamp(int(ceil(dist) * m), low, high)) * (m_classic(gamemode, mutators) ? 2 : 1));
// easy to send shot damage messages
inline void sendhit(client &actor, int gun, const vec &o, int dmg)
// no blood or explosions if using moon jump
#if (SERVER_BUILTIN_MOD & 6) == 6 // 2 | 4
if (m_gib(gamemode, mutators))
sendf(NULL, 1, "ri7", SV_EXPLODE, actor.clientnum, gun, dmg, (int)(o.x*DMF), (int)(o.y*DMF), (int)(o.z*DMF));
inline void sendheadshot(const vec &from, const vec &to, int damage)
sendf(NULL, 1, "ri8", SV_HEADSHOT, (int)(from.x*DMF), (int)(from.y*DMF), (int)(from.z*DMF), (int)(to.x*DMF), (int)(to.y*DMF), (int)(to.z*DMF), damage);
void parsepos(client &c, const vector<posinfo> &pos, vec &out_o, vec &out_head)
const posinfo *info = NULL;
loopv(pos) if (pos[i].cn == c.clientnum) { info = &pos[i]; break; }
// position
if (scl.lagtrust >= 2 && info) out_o = info->o;
else out_o = c.state.o; // don't trust the client's position, or not provided
// fix z
out_o.z += PLAYERHEIGHT * c.state.crouchfactor(gamemillis);
// head delta
if (scl.lagtrust >= 1 && info && info->head.x > 0 && info->head.y > 0 && info->head.z > 0)
out_head = info->head;
// sanity check (no insane headshot OPK)
if (out_head.magnitude() > 2) out_head.normalize().mul(2); // the center of our head cannot deviate from our neck more than 50 cm
// no match? not trusted? approximate a location for the head
else out_head = vec(0, -.25f, .25f).rotate_around_z(c.y * RAD).add(out_o);
// explosions
// order the explosion hits by distance
struct explosivehit
client *target, *owner;
int damage, flags;
float dist;
vec o;
static int compare(explosivehit *a, explosivehit *b)
// if there is more damage, the distance is closer, therefore move it up: (-a) - (-b) = b - a
return b->damage - a->damage;
// explosions call this to check
int radialeffect(client &owner, client &target, vector<explosivehit> &hits, const vec &o, int weap, bool gib, bool max_damage = false)
vec hit_location = target.state.o, hit_location2 = target.state.o;
hit_location.z += (PLAYERHEIGHT + PLAYERABOVEEYE) / 2.f;
hit_location2.z += PLAYERHEIGHT * target.state.crouchfactor(gamemillis);
// distance calculations
float dist = max_damage ? 0 : min(hit_location.dist(o), hit_location2.dist(o));
const bool useReciprocal = !m_classic(gamemode, mutators);
if (dist >= (useReciprocal ? guns[weap].endrange : guns[weap].rangesub)) return 0; // too far away
vec ray1(hit_location), ray2(hit_location2);
if (srayclip(o, ray1) < dist && srayclip(o, ray2) < dist) return 0; // not visible
float dmg = effectiveDamage(weap, dist, true, useReciprocal);
int expflags = gib ? FRAG_GIB : FRAG_NONE;
// check for critical
if (checkcrit(dist, 2.5f)) // 1 : clamp(10 * meter, 4, 100) chance
expflags |= FRAG_CRIT;
dmg *= 1.4f;
// did the nade headshot?
if (weap == GUN_GRENADE && &owner != &target && o.z > hit_location2.z)
expflags |= FRAG_FLAG;
sendheadshot(o, (hit_location = hit_location2), dmg);
dmg *= 1.2f;
// was the RPG direct?
else if (weap == GUN_RPG && max_damage)
expflags |= FRAG_FLAG;
explosivehit &hit = hits.add();
hit.damage = (int)dmg;
hit.flags = expflags;
hit.target = ⌖
hit.owner = &owner;
hit.dist = dist;
hit.o = hit_location;
return hit.damage;
// explosion call
int explosion(client &owner, const vec &o2, int weap, bool teamcheck, bool gib, client *cflag)
int damagedealt = 0;
vec o(o2);
sendhit(owner, weap, o, 0); // 0 means display explosion
// these are our hits
vector<explosivehit> hits;
client *own_alt = NULL;
// give credits to the shooter for killing the zombie!
if (m_zombie(gamemode) && owner.team == TEAM_CLA && owner.state.revengelog.length() && valid_client(owner.state.revengelog.last()))
own_alt = clients[owner.state.revengelog.last()];
if (own_alt->team != TEAM_RVSF)
own_alt = NULL;
// suicide bomber's killer
else if (weap == GUN_GRENADE && cflag && !isteam(cflag, &owner))
own_alt = cflag;
// find the hits
client &target = *clients[i];
if (target.type == ST_EMPTY || target.state.state != CS_ALIVE ||
target.state.protect(gamemillis, gamemode, mutators)) continue;
client *own = &owner;
if (&owner != &target && isteam(&owner, &target))
if (own_alt)
own = own_alt;
else if (teamcheck)
damagedealt += radialeffect(*own, target, hits, o, weap, gib, (weap == GUN_RPG && clients[i] == cflag));
if (m_overload(gamemode) && team_isactive(owner.team))
const int ot = team_opposite(owner.team);
sflaginfo &f = sflaginfos[ot];
vec flag_o(f.x, f.y, getsblock(getmaplayoutid((int)f.x, (int)f.y)).floor + (PLAYERHEIGHT + PLAYERABOVEEYE) / 2);
const float dist = o.dist(flag_o);
if (dist < PLAYERRADIUS * 4)
const int explosivedamage = guns[weap].damage >> 1; // half
damagedealt += explosivedamage;
sendf(NULL, 1, "ri2", SV_DAMAGEOBJECTIVE, owner.clientnum);
f.damagetime = gamemillis;
if ((f.damage += explosivedamage * (m_gsp1(gamemode, mutators) ? 16 : 8)) >= 255000)
f.damage = 0;
flagaction(ot, FA_SCORE, owner.clientnum);
// sort the hits
// apply the hits
sendhit(owner, weap, hits[i].o, hits[i].damage);
serverdamage(*hits[i].target, *hits[i].owner, hits[i].damage, weap, hits[i].flags, o, hits[i].dist);
return damagedealt;
// order the nuke hits by distance
struct nukehit
client *target;
float distance;
static int compare(nukehit *a, nukehit *b)
// less distance, so do it earlier
if (a->distance < b->distance)
return -1;
// more distance, so do it later
if (a->distance > b->distance)
return 1;
// same
return 0;
void nuke(client &owner, bool suicide, bool forced_all, bool friendly_fire)
vector<nukehit> hits;
client *cl = clients[j];
if (cl->type != ST_EMPTY && cl->team != TEAM_SPECT && cl != &owner && (friendly_fire || !isteam(cl, &owner)) && (forced_all || cl->state.state == CS_ALIVE))
// sort hits
nukehit &hit = hits.add();
hit.distance = cl->state.o.dist(owner.state.o);
if (cl->type == ST_AI) hit.distance += 25 * CUBES_PER_METER; // to prioritize non-bots
hit.target = cl;
serverdied(*hits[i].target, owner, 0, OBIT_NUKE, !rnd(3) ? FRAG_GIB : FRAG_NONE, owner.state.o, hits[i].distance);
// fx
sendhit(owner, GUN_GRENADE, hits[i].target->state.o, 0);
// save the best for last!
if (suicide)
owner.suicide(OBIT_NUKE, FRAG_NONE);
// fx
sendhit(owner, GUN_GRENADE, owner.state.o, 0);
// Hitscans
struct shothit
client *target;
int damage, flags;
float dist;
// hit checks
client *nearesthit(client &actor, const vec &from, const vec &to, bool teamcheck, int &hitzone, const vector<posinfo> &pos, vector<int> &exclude, vec &end, bool melee = false)
client *result = NULL;
float dist = 8e36f; // 2 undecillion meters
vec melees[MELEE_PRECISION];
if (melee)
melees[i] = to;
const float angle = ((i + 1.f) / MELEE_PRECISION - 0.5f) * 85.f * RAD; // from -85 to 85
melees[i].rotate_around_x(angle * sinf(owner->aim[0]));
melees[i].rotate_around_x(angle * cosf(owner->aim[0]));
melees[i].rotate_around_z(((i + 1.f) / MELEE_PRECISION - 0.5f) * 25.f * RAD); // from 25 to 25 (50 degrees)
client &t = *clients[i];
clientstate &ts = t.state;
// basic checks
if (t.type == ST_EMPTY || ts.state != CS_ALIVE || exclude.find(i) >= 0 ||
(teamcheck && &actor != &t && isteam(&actor, &t)) || ts.protect(gamemillis, gamemode, mutators)) continue;
const float d = ts.o.dist(from);
if (d > dist) continue;
vec o, head;
parsepos(t, pos, o, head);
int hz = HIT_NONE;
if (melee)
hz = hitplayer(from, actor.y, actor.p, melees[i], o, head, &end);
if (hz) continue; // one of the knife rays hit
if (!hz) continue; // none of the knife rays hit
hz = hitplayer(from, actor.y, actor.p, to, o, head, &end);
if (!hz) continue; // no hit
result = &t;
dist = d;
hitzone = hz;
return result;
// do a single line
int shot(client &owner, const vec &from, vec &to, const vector<posinfo> &pos, int weap, int style, const vec &surface, vector<int> &exclude, float dist = 0, float penaltydist = 0, vector<shothit> *save = NULL)
const mul &mulset = muls[guns[weap].mulset];
int hitzone = HIT_NONE; vec end = to;
// out of range?
if (melee_weap(weap))
// super knife
if (m_gib(gamemode, mutators))
static const int lulz[3] = { GUN_SNIPER, GUN_HEAL, GUN_RPG };
sendf(NULL, 1, "ri9", SV_RICOCHET, owner.clientnum, lulz[rnd(3)], (int)(from.x*DMF), (int)(from.y*DMF), (int)(from.z*DMF), (int)(to.x*DMF), (int)(to.y*DMF), (int)(to.z*DMF));
// limit melee distance
if (to.magnitude() > guns[weap].endrange)
// calculate the hit
client *hit = nearesthit(owner, from, to, !m_real(gamemode, mutators), hitzone, pos, exclude, end, melee_weap(weap) && (!(SERVER_BUILTIN_MOD & 1) || !m_gib(gamemode, mutators)));
// damage check
const float dist2 = dist + end.dist(from);
int damage = effectiveDamage(weap, dist2 + penaltydist);
if (!dist)
// removed: red RPG shotline
explosion(owner, end, GUN_RPG, !m_real(gamemode, mutators), false);
// we hit somebody
if (hit && damage)
// damage multipliers
if(guns[weap].mulset == MUL_PRO)
if (hitzone == HIT_HEAD)
//damage *= mulset.head;
; // multiplying by 1 does nothing
damage = 0;
else if (!m_classic(gamemode, mutators) || hitzone >= HIT_HEAD || guns[weap].mulset == MUL_PRO2)
if (hitzone == HIT_HEAD)
damage *= m_progressive(gamemode, mutators) ? 7 : mulset.head;
else if (hitzone == HIT_TORSO)
damage *= mulset.torso;
// legs is always 1
// gib check
if ((melee_weap(weap) || hitzone == HIT_HEAD) && !save) style |= FRAG_GIB;
// critical shots
if (checkcrit(dist2, 3.5f)) // 1 in clamp(14 * meter, 4, 100)
style |= FRAG_CRIT;
damage *= 1.5f;
// melee weapons (bleed/check for self)
if (melee_weap(weap))
if (hitzone == HIT_HEAD) style |= FRAG_FLAG;
if (&owner == hit) return 0; // not possible
else if (!isteam(&owner, hit)) // do not cause teammates to bleed
hit->state.addwound(owner.clientnum, end);
sendf(NULL, 1, "ri2", SV_BLEED, hit->clientnum);
// send bloody headshot hits...
if (hitzone == HIT_HEAD) sendheadshot(from, end, damage);
// send the real hit (blood fx)
sendhit(owner, weap, end, damage);
// apply damage
if (save)
// save damage for shotgun rays
shothit &h = save->add();
h.target = hit;
h.damage = damage;
h.flags = style;
h.dist = dist2;
else serverdamage(*hit, owner, damage, weap, style, from, dist2);
// add hit to the exclude list
// penetration: distort ray and continue through...
vec dir(to = end), newsurface;
// 5 degrees (both ways = 10 degrees) distortion on all axis
.rotate_around_x((rnd(11) - 5)*RAD)
.rotate_around_y((rnd(11) - 5)*RAD)
.rotate_around_z((rnd(11) - 5)*RAD)
// retrace
straceShot(end, dir, &newsurface);
const int penetratedamage = shot(owner, end, dir, pos, weap, style|FRAG_PENETRATE, newsurface, exclude, dist2, penaltydist + 10 * CUBES_PER_METER, save); // distance penalty for penetrating the player
sendf(NULL, 1, "ri9", SV_RICOCHET, owner.clientnum, weap, (int)(end.x*DMF), (int)(end.y*DMF), (int)(end.z*DMF), (int)(dir.x*DMF), (int)(dir.y*DMF), (int)(dir.z*DMF));
return damage + penetratedamage;
if (m_overload(gamemode) && team_isactive(owner.team))
const int ot = team_opposite(owner.team);
sflaginfo &f = sflaginfos[ot];
vec bottom(f.x, f.y, getsblock(getmaplayoutid((int)f.x, (int)f.y)).floor), top(bottom);
float dist;
if (intersectcylinder(from, to, bottom, top, PLAYERRADIUS * 2, dist))
damage = effectiveDamage(weap, dist + penaltydist);
sendf(NULL, 1, "ri2", SV_DAMAGEOBJECTIVE, owner.clientnum);
f.damagetime = gamemillis;
if ((f.damage += damage * (m_gsp1(gamemode, mutators) ? 16 : 8)) >= 255000)
f.damage = 0;
flagaction(ot, FA_SCORE, owner.clientnum);
return damage;
// ricochet
if (!dist && surface.magnitude()) // ricochet once if it came from the gun directly
// reset exclusion to the owner, so a penetrated player can be hit twice
if (exclude.length() > 1)
vec dir(to);
// calculate reflected ray from incident ray and surface normal
const float dotproduct = dir.dot(surface);
if (fabs(dotproduct) > 0.96592582628f) // minimum angle is 15 degrees from normal
return damage;
// r = i - 2 (i . n) n
dir.sub(vec(surface).mul(2 * dotproduct));
// 2 degrees (both ways = 4 degrees) distortion on all axis
.rotate_around_x((rnd(5) - 2)*RAD)
.rotate_around_y((rnd(5) - 2)*RAD)
.rotate_around_z((rnd(5) - 2)*RAD)
// retrace
vec newsurface;
straceShot(to, dir, &newsurface);
const int ricochetdamage = shot(owner, to, dir, pos, weap, style|FRAG_RICOCHET, newsurface, exclude, dist2, penaltydist + 15 * CUBES_PER_METER, save); // distance penalty for ricochet
sendf(NULL, 1, "ri9", SV_RICOCHET, owner.clientnum, weap, (int)(to.x*DMF), (int)(to.y*DMF), (int)(to.z*DMF), (int)(dir.x*DMF), (int)(dir.y*DMF), (int)(dir.z*DMF));
return damage + ricochetdamage;
return 0;
int shotgun(client &owner, const vec &from, vector<posinfo> &pos, int weap)
int damagedealt = 0;
clientstate &gs = owner.state;
// many rays many hits, but we want each client to get all the damage at once...
static vector<shothit> hits;
// check rays and sum damage
vec surface;
straceShot(from, gs.sg[i], &surface);
static vector<int> exclude;
shot(owner, from, gs.sg[i], pos, weap, FRAG_NONE, surface, exclude, 0, 0, &hits);
// apply damage
client &t = *clients[i];
clientstate &ts = t.state;
// basic checks
if (t.type == ST_EMPTY || ts.state != CS_ALIVE) continue;
int damage = 0, shotgunflags = 0;
float bestdist = 0;
if (hits[i].target == &t)
damage += hits[i].damage;
shotgunflags |= hits[i].flags; // merge crit, etc.
if (hits[i].dist > bestdist) bestdist = hits[i].dist;
if (!damage) continue;
damagedealt += damage;
shotgunflags |= damage >= SGGIB * HEALTHSCALE ? FRAG_GIB : FRAG_NONE;
if (m_progressive(gamemode, mutators) && shotgunflags & FRAG_GIB)
damage = max(damage, 350 * HEALTHSCALE);
serverdamage(t, owner, damage, weap, shotgunflags, from, bestdist);
return damagedealt;